
서울대 경영대가 발간하는 Seoul Journal of Business 소개 (SJB; 편집위원장 송재용 교수))

서울대 경영대가 발간하는 Seoul Journal of Business (SJB; 편집위원장 송재용 교수)는 1년에 2번 발간되는 한국연구재단 등재 영문 저널입니다. SJB에서는 금년부터 Best Paper Award를 신설하였습니다. 편집위원회가 매년 게재된 논문 중 1등과 2등을 선정하여 각각 미화 2000불과 1000불을 상금으로 드립니다. 서울대 교수가 저자로 들어가 있지 않은 논문을 우선적으로 선정하여 시상할 계획이니 많은 관심과 적극적인 투고를 부탁드립니다. 논문 투고 가이드라인은 에서 확인 가능하며 논문 제출이나 문의는 로 해 주시면 됩니다. 

 The Seoul Journal of Business (SJB) launches the SJB Best Paper Awards in 2021. The annual award recognizes excellence in the application of theory and empirics in business administration. The Best Paper Awards will consist of the first and second prizes. Awards will be given to papers which are published in SJB. Winners are selected by the SJB Editorial Board. The cash awards for the first and second prizes are $ 2,000 (USD) and $ 1,000 (USD) respectively. The first SJB Best Paper Awards will be given to papers which are published in 2021 and announced in the first quarter of 2022.

 The SJB is a semi-annual publication dedicated to advancing our understanding of business administration on all of its domains. We welcome academic articles ranging from empirical studies to theory and review articles. The scope is broad and flexible.  You can download all of the formerly published research articles of the SJB (in PDF format) at . For submission, manuscripts submitted for consideration should meet our requirements for reference citations and style. You can check our guideline at

 For questions regarding the journal, the review process, or to submit your paper should be directed to the Editor via email (

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